Voice Contact Center: Financial Sector increasingly using the call center

Banks and Insurance increasingly are backed by some external support call center . Most use the services telesales , arranging meetings and CATI . In 2013, the number of projects for clients in the financial sector by the Voice Contact Center has increased by over 900 percent .

Direct marketing services, including call and contact center , is one of the tools most commonly used by banks and insurance companies. It allows you to precisely target your audience , both for consumers and institutional customers. In the coming months, nearly one third of financial firms plan to expand the scope of use of the services of call and contact center1 .

1Badanie Ipsos on behalf of the Group OEX , 2013

Most services

Customers in the banking and insurance industry , like other sectors , most often outsource to external partners outbound campaigns . The vast majority of projects are carried out on databases provided by the clients.

Among the campaigns for financial institutions dominate phone product sales. In the case of banks are mainly cash and credit cards. The second most commonly offered are current customers of a financial institution (ie, based on the so-called . " Scoring " ) . Implementation of the project once popular credit card sales new customers today requires consideration of more stringent criteria in the process of acceptance of the application of issue and is consequently also requires call center for added precision in the selection of the database to the campaign.

Insurance companies willing to outsource the external call center sales of insurance policies . Most are products of low value premium, ranging from a few to 30 – 40 zł per month , although there are also those approaching the amount of PLN 100 per month. Telemarketers offer customers accident insurance , life insurance and an apartment, house or links. We are seeing an increasing interest in the sale of medical insurance . Insurance companies also benefit from supplementary services contact center , which complements their inner resources for a larger than usual volume of incoming traffic.

Financial institutions often outsource outsourcing call centers to generate sales leads , make appointments for insurance agents or affiliates invitations to people interested in the product of the bank (eg credit or ROR – I ) . Most are also CATI projects – mostly relate to customer satisfaction survey from the product or service at each point of contact with the bank or insurance company.

The specificity of the financial industry

Cooperation call center with banks and insurers must meet several stringent requirements of safety . Often precedes the signing of a contract period of several months of preparation processes, and the need to move to external audits . Sometimes, the banks require hiring of consultants on time , while in the case of insurance companies, the legislature has imposed the need to acquire a license by telemarketers FSA . The transition range of demanding formality on the one hand protects the interests of both parties to the contract , on the other hand favors a long-term cooperation.

Customers who have a positive experience of cooperation with external call centers often increase the scope of their tasks . Cooperation usually starts from the projects of the sales , or from telephone surveys – that is, from areas that are easier wyoutsourcować . Customer Service Inbound (for example, customer service , claims handling process support or sales hotline ) is a service implemented in subsequent stages.

Often, it contracted by financial institutions projects require high flexibility and rapid action to build scale . It is therefore essential to have when they engage with external partner to take into account the possibility of a potential development project. The role of a good call center should be not only the current customer support activities , but also to anticipate their changing needs .

Adam Kotrych
CEO of Voice Contact Center OEX Group