Finance and banking - Voice Contact Center

Finance and banking

We will support your customers using remote communication channels. We effectively implement a comprehensive range of customer service in several languages. We know how important data and information security are and the application of all legal regulations affecting the possibility of outsourcing business processes of banks and financial institutions. We are both experts and practitioners. We have been cooperating with the financial industry for many years and have successively implemented numerous call and contact center projects related to customer service and sales support.

How does Voice Contact Center support banks and customers of financial institutions?

  • We provide advice on products offered by banks, financial institutions, and loan companies.
  • We inform about rules of conduct.
  • We perform specific activities following the processes and within the scope of entrusted responsibility, e.g. related to the execution of transfers, issuing and blocking cards and accesses, authorization.
  • We provide technical support for internet banking and users of systems and applications.
  • We handle and resolve complaints.
  • We conduct sales activities: up-sell and cross-sell.
  • We perform back-office tasks related to customer experience processes.
  • We carry out complex CATI reports and satisfaction surveys (NPS, CSat, etc.).

Voice Contact Center is distinguished by its knowledge and experience in working based on banking regulations. We apply the highest standards of data and information security.

Business Development Manager

Please contact us: +48 578 554 755