6 Ways to Use Bots in E-commerce: Optimizing Customer Service

Businesses have been increasingly turning to advanced AI-driven technologies to enhance customer service and operational efficiency.

According to a Gartner report, 69% of companies plan to invest in conversational AI solutions. Customer experience leaders are leveraging tools like voicebots, chatbots, and analytical platforms to boost the effectiveness of their contact centers.

In this article, we explore six key areas where bots can deliver significant value to e-commerce businesses.


Selected Areas of Voicebot and Chatbot Usage in E-commerce


1. Standard Customer Service


  • Bots can automatically respond to frequently asked questions about products or services. For instance, they can quickly provide information on product availability, shipping options, or technical specifications. This allows customers to get immediate answers without waiting for a human consultant.
  • Implementing such solutions enables companies to handle a larger volume of inquiries without increasing the number of employees. Chatbots can be available 24/7, eliminating the limitations of customer service operating hours.


Piotr Kempa, R&D Director, OEX VCC: “Artificial intelligence can support purchasing processes in many ways and help automate a range of tasks. In our company, the customer service process is the most closely aligned with AI applications. The bots we create, both text-based (chatbots) and voice-based (telephone voicebots), significantly contribute to streamlining the customer service process during shopping and beyond.”


2. Order Management


  • Order tracking and automatic updates and notifications about order status. After placing an order, customers can receive real-time updates on its status—from order confirmation, through processing, to delivery. These bots can automatically generate and send notifications in various forms, such as SMS, email, or messages on communication platforms, which greatly increases transparency and customer trust.
  • These solutions eliminate the need for customers to manually check order status, which not only saves their time but also reduces the workload of the customer service team, who would otherwise have to respond to numerous inquiries about order status. Automation of this process allows companies to react more quickly to potential problems, such as delivery delays, and inform customers about them proactively.
  • Thanks to integration with logistics systems, chatbots can provide the most up-to-date information, increasing the accuracy and reliability of communication with the customer. In cases where customers have additional questions and the bot is unable to answer them, it can automatically redirect them to the appropriate consultant.


3. Support in the Purchasing Process


  • Product selection assistance. Voicebots and chatbots in e-commerce can serve as virtual shopping assistants, helping customers choose the right products. Based on customer preferences, purchase history, or search behavior, bots can create personalized recommendations.
  • Guiding through the purchasing process. Chatbots can guide customers step-by-step through the entire purchasing process, from selecting products, adding them to the cart, to finalizing the transaction. They can answer questions about payment methods, delivery options, or return policies, making the shopping process smoother and less complicated, which can lead to higher conversion rates. Chatbots can alsomers of abandoned carts, helping recover potentially lost transactions.


Piotr Kempa, R&D Director, OEX VCC: “Chatbots can also handle complaint submissions, order status inquiries, helpline services, and any other requests. However, in many processes, the bot’s actions will need to be supplemented by a consultant. In such cases, it is important to ensure service integration so that the entire conversation remains consistent and the handoff between the bot and the customer service department is smooth. This helps to avoid frustrating the customer. Bots are ideal for handling the most frequent and straightforward processes and tasks, leaving more complex issues to consultants.”


4. Marketing and Promotions


  • Delivering personalized offers based on data analysis. As mentioned earlier, voicebots and chatbots in e-commerce can utilize advanced data analysis to deliver personalized offers that are closely aligned with individual customer preferences. By analyzing purchase history, browsing behavior, and demographic data, bots can create offers that are more attractive to users. This approach increases the effectiveness of marketing campaigns and can lead to higher conversion rates.
  • Executing promotional campaigns. Bots can also automatically execute promotional campaigns, such as delivering discount codes, time-limited offers, or special deals. They can inform customers about current promotions and remind them of opportunities while browsing products or completing a purchase. By instantly providing information about promotions, bots can effectively increase sales by encouraging customers to take advantage of the offered discounts and deals.
  • Integrating these functions with CRM and analytical systems allows companies to create more effective sales strategies that are both automated and tailored to individual needs. As a result, personalized offers and the successful execution of promotional campaigns support building customer loyalty and contribute to increased revenue.


5. Post-Purchase Support


  • Handling returns and complaints. Voicebots and chatbots in e-commerce can significantly streamline the process of managing returns and complaints. They guide customers through the return procedures, answer questions about return and complaint policies, and assist in quickly resolving issues. This allows customers to complete the process efficiently without needing to involve customer service staff, reducing wait times and increasing satisfaction.
  • Assistance with filling out forms. Bots can also help customers fill out forms related to returns or complaints, guiding them through each step and minimizing the risk of errors. This makes the process more user-friendly, reducing frustration and improving the overall post-purchase experience. Integration with CRM systems enables bots to personalize support, taking into account purchase history and previous interactions, further enhancing the quality of service in online stores.


6. Survey Research


  • Conducting post-purchase surveys. Voicebots and chatbots can effectively be used to conduct post-purchase surveys, collecting customer feedback on their shopping experiences. With automated systems, these surveys can be sent immediately after a purchase, increasing the likelihood of receiving quick and accurate responses.
  • Data analysis and reporting. The data collected from these surveys is then automatically analyzed by analytical systems, which identify key patterns and trends. This enables companies to quickly generate reports that provide valuable insights into customer satisfaction and areas needing improvement, helping them refine their offerings and customer service strategies to boost loyalty and business performance.


Piotr Kempa, R&D Director, OEX VCC: “Voicebots typically handle a similar range of tasks as chatbots, but in the telephone channel. Here, it’s also important to consider the possibility of support from a consultant and ensure a smooth handover to them. Additionally, unlike text-based bots, voicebots allow for outbound processes, which gives us the ability to reach out to customers with information or questions. In supporting sales activities, it can be particularly useful to ‘warm up’ large lead databases using voicebots in outbound processes. This works ideally in combination with the hot transfer of a warm lead to a consultant to close the sale immediately.”


Bots in Contact Centers: Enhanced Efficiency and Personalized Service


Automating customer service through voicebots and chatbots enables faster, more personalized interactions, boosting both user satisfaction and operational efficiency. Contact center companies, traditionally focused on call center services, are increasingly investing in these technologies, offering AI solutions tailored to specific customer needs. This not only addresses current challenges but also prepares businesses for future market demands.

Piotr Kempa’s commentary on the use of bots was featured in the Gazeta Finansowa report – E-commerce Market.


Author: Patrycja Hala-Saçan, Senior Content Specialist, OEX VCC.