VR Development Workshops

In cooperation with GuideMe and Prof. Anna Baczynska of Kozminski University, we conducted a VR Development survey among our colleagues. The purpose of the survey was to identify key managerial competencies and prepare individual development plans.

The study was conducted from the form of a game using Virtual Reality googles. The experiment consisted of solving puzzles and achieving the overarching goal of successfully completing the game.

The training consisted of two parts: Diagnostic and Developmental. The study was conducted in a virtual space (VR), which was created for the development of managerial competence. The tool is a step towards Industry 4.0 and the digitization of AC/DC processes. In order not to confuse the term with the name of a popular rock band, we explain: Assessment Center/Development Center. These are processes that support the recruitment of specialists for contact center outsourcing projects as well as development of employees. They apply especially to senior and responsible positions.

The diagnostic part, the Assesment Center, is a tool for competence development. This stage was carried out in a dedicated virtual space in the form of an Escape Room game. Work and team leadership, result orientation, change management, decision-making, as well as cooperation and social skills were key.

The development part (Development Center) was a training session analyzing a jointly developed report. The researcher’s behavior during the study was juxtaposed with daily duties and work performed.