Outsourcing Experts Group combines competencies of IT departments.

Outsourcing Experts Group forms a common IT department for all companies belonging to the Group. The centralization of resources and IT services is another step in the realization of the company’s development strategy which involves, among others, optimizing customer service processes. At the current stage, the Group is financing the project from its own funds. Bartosz Krakowiak, the former IT Director at ArchiDoc, from now on will be responsible for the supervision of competencies in the information technology area.

The aim of merger of the IT departments, competencies and technologies of individual companies of which Outsourcing Experts consist is to unify both the work standards and internal procedures related to the current operations. The priority objective is also to ensure smooth implementation of outsourcing services, marketing and logistic projects carried on within the OEX Group. Concentration of the IT areas will include programming, implementing and handling IT processes, and optimization of IT costs in the Group. The introduced change will fully integrate the IT infrastructures of individual companies, strengthening thereby the market potential of the whole Group.

″IT systems play a strategic role in the activity of the Outsourcing Experts Group. The decision to merge the departments will enable enhancing operational efficiency of both the Group and its individual companies. We are committed to the systematic introduction of innovative solutions in each field of our activity. We believe that the concentration of IT processes will improve the organization within the Group and positively affect our collaboration with customers”, says Bartosz Krakowiak, Outsourcing Experts IT Director (CIO).

The formation of a common IT department will enable the Outsourcing Experts Group to not only strengthen and unify IT projects management, but also significantly streamline the access to the existing resources of the company. In addition, the centralization will enable faster and easier operation of IT processes by providing the employees of the Group with convenient access to necessary information and guaranteeing complete solutions for customers, while increasing and additionally strengthening the data security standards.

The concentration of IT departments requires implementing uniform standards which will include:

  • Centralization of hardware and software purchases,
  • Formation of a single user support center for the entire OEX Group and for customers using the applications and solutions,
  • Infrastructure in the field of shared resources within the Group, situated in two fully redundant Data Centers,
  • Standardization of software production and maintenance processes as well as service pricing,
  • Technological unification

Bartosz Krakowiak, the former IT Director at ArchiDoc, will now be responsible for the supervision of the common IT Department of the Outsourcing Experts Group. After the merger, the team working for holding companies will consist of more than 40 people. Outsourcing Experts are also planning, as the Group will be developing, –to create internal, dedicated competence centres for programming, infrastructure and maintenance of applications.

The Outsourcing Experts companies operate on the basis of numerous copyrighted IT applications, which, after the integration, will constitute an additional competitive advantage for the entire Group.