Outsourcing Experts among ABSL experts

The Outsourcing Experts Group joined the Association of Business Service Leaders (ABSL). The association comprises more than 50 leading representatives of outsourcing and offshoring companies.

ABSL is a leading industry organisation representing the sector of modern business services in Poland. It is a platform for the exchange of knowledge, experience and good practices within the industry. Thanks to membership in ABSL, the OEX Group will gain, among others, access to reports, papers and market materials prepared by organisations cooperating with ABSL and government institutions. Additionally, companies belonging to the Outsourcing Experts Group will be able to participate in business meetings and forums for the exchange of knowledge as well as take part in the creation of a professional network of the circulation of information concerning outsourcing and offshoring.

“The OEX Group is a leader of the Polish market of BPO and the largest company in the association. The group focuses on satisfying the internal demand for Business Process Outsourcing services in Poland. Taking into account the scale of operation, innovative technological facilities and the fact that we service clients with a strong position on the market, we wish to follow only the best global examples. We believe that business standards developed by companies belonging to ABSL will allow us to set examples in the area of the service of the clients of the OEX Group. We hope that ABSL, an organisation consisting of global leaders that run business in Poland, will inspire use to grow even faster”, says Konrad Rochalski, the President of the Outsourcing Experts Group Management Board.

Only companies that are active in the sector of modern business services, meet specific requirement and whose membership is supported by the Founders and the Management Board can become members of ABSL. The aim of the organisation is to strengthen the position of the Polish sector of modern business services in the country and to improve the attractiveness of Poland as a leading location of outsourcing and offshoring projects in Europe.

The OEX Group is a founder member of the Outsourcing Institute (Polish: Instytut Outsourcingu), which brings together leading Polish providers of outsourcing services Based on their experience, knowledge and competences, the Outsourcing Institute carries out educational and expert activities in order to promote outsourcing solutions, including BPO services, as the best strategy of improving efficiency and profitability of companies.