How Does AI Support Competency Testing?

artificial intelligence competency testing

In the realm of outsourcing, it is essential for contact center companies to continuously test and develop the skills of their agents and managers. This ensures the highest quality services and helps maintain a competitive edge.

With its data analytics, learning, and automation capabilities, AI is becoming an indispensable tool for accurately and efficiently assessing and enhancing human skills. By utilizing AI-driven insights, businesses can optimize their contact center operations and achieve superior results in sales and customer engagement.

In this article, we will showcase the approach of VCC to competency testing, highlighting how they leverage these advanced technologies to stay ahead of competitors and deliver exceptional service.


Examples of Using AI in Competency Testing


1. AI in competency data analysis: using AI to automatically process and analyse data related to competency testing.

2. Using AI in skills development: personalising development programmes using AI to match appropriate training and resources to individual employee needs.

3. Automating the competency testing process: using AI to automatically collect data on employee competencies. Using AI-based chatbots and voice interfaces to conduct interactive competency surveys.

4. Future directions and future of competency testing using AI: combining AI with emotion analysis to assess soft skills such as empathy and emotional intelligence, for example.


VR Development and Competence Game: VCC’s Strategy for Competency Testing


The aim of VR development is to identify key managerial competences and prepare individual development plans. Participants solve puzzles to complete the game. The recordings enable a sound analysis of competences. We wrote more about this topic in this article.

Competence Game, or competence games, is a new tool that will be used in VCC. We will have the opportunity to get acquainted with two games: Archipelago and ClusterMind, which will allow us to explore 5 key competence areas and 17 competences. The whole process will only take about two hours.

Yachts, beaches and luxury villas, that is the Archipelago Competence Game. We take on the role of a property manager on exotic islands. Sounds great, doesn’t it? But clients, as everyone knows, are demanding and have different preferences. The participant in the game is given a number of tools that will enable him or her to meet clients’ expectations in the best possible way. Bonus points are collected, which depend on customer satisfaction, the final number of customers (probably familiar to anyone who has had contact with VCC).

However, at the very end of the game, it is not these points that are most important, but the player’s behaviour, which is analysed by AI and a competency report is generated on this basis. Archipelago explores key areas such as goal definition and achievement, strategic thinking and customer orientation.

Voice Contact Centre uses artificial intelligence to survey staff with two tools: VR development and Competence Game. The aim of VR development is to identify key managerial competences and prepare individual development plans. Participants solve puzzles to complete the game. Recordings enable a sound analysis of competences.

Competence Game, or competence games, is a new tool that will be used in VCC. We will have the opportunity to get acquainted with two games: Archipelago and ClusterMind, which will allow us to explore 5 key competence areas and 17 competences. The whole process will only take about two hours.

Yachts, beaches and luxury villas, that is the Archipelago Competence Game. We take on the role of a property manager on exotic islands. Sounds great, doesn’t it? But clients, as everyone knows, are demanding and have different preferences. The participant in the game is given a number of tools that will enable him or her to meet clients’ expectations in the best possible way. Bonus points are collected, which depend on customer satisfaction, the final number of customers (probably familiar to anyone who has had contact with VCC).

However, at the very end of the game, it is not these points that are most important, but the player’s behaviour, which is analysed by AI and a competency report is generated on this basis. Archipelago explores key areas such as goal definition and achievement, strategic thinking and customer orientation.

Astronauts, businessmen and students, that is the ClusterMind Competence Game. Here we move into a modern science and technology complex together with the world’s most outstanding minds to tackle the complex challenges of the modern age together, to develop and deliver innovative inventions. We can take on the role of Consultant, Scientist, Mechanic or Supervisor to work together towards the goals set. Our audiences are diverse client groups, e.g. academia, the business world, professionals involved in space programmes. ClusterMind explores collaboration within an organisation and taking responsibility (self-reliance, initiative, commitment, decision-making, consequences).


Improving Competencies with AI Solutions


We are convinced that the introduction of Archipelago and ClusterMind into our senior management competency testing process will bring numerous benefits to VCC. We will be able to better understand and develop managerial skills, and our staff will have the opportunity to actively learn and improve their competencies. We will share our impressions on our blog soon.

Quality and Training Team, VCC