How Do We Prepare Voicebots for Work? - Voice Contact Center

How Do We Prepare Voicebots for Work?

A new employee must go through a process called onboarding before they start their job properly. This involves attending various training sessions to learn about the company their responsibilities. As they work and get better at their job, they keep learning and improving through feedback and evaluations.

Similarly, voicebots need to be trained before they are ready to support customer service projects. You now wonder how does that work? In this article, we’ll explain how we train our bot to do its tasks effectively.


Primebot – Voicebot Solution for Contact Center


Primebot is a voicebot and chatbot technology that uses artificial intelligence to conduct non-linear dialogues.

A product of OEX VCC, utilizes state-of-the-art AI and ML technologies to automate customer support processes. This innovative platform stands out for its ability to engage in dynamic conversations that extend beyond predefined scripts, owing to its advanced Natural Language Understanding (NLU) and speech synthesis features. This enables it to understand spontaneous human speech, discern the intentions of speakers, and consequently address repetitive problems efficiently.

OEX VCC, contact center outsourcing company, often developed this automation technology to offer comprehensive services to their clients. By creating in-house automation solutions, the company can offer a complete package that includes both highly trained agents and voicebots.

By customizing our own automation products, we can tailor the solutions to the specific requirements of their clients. This customization ensures that the automation technology integrates seamlessly with existing systems and workflows, providing a more efficient and effective solution than off-the-shelf products from third-party vendors.


Should Voicebots Be Trained to Be More Human?


We want to make Primebot more human and able to empathize with customer service. – this is what Piotr Kempa, Head of AI Division at Voice Contact Center, says about the solution.

Let’s pause for a moment and think about the concept of being “more human.” Do we want our voicebots to surpass human qualities? Certainly not! Our stance is that a voicebot should not strive to emulate human behavior. Rather, our aim is for our bot to exhibit a higher degree of human-like conversation when compared to other bots. This is demonstrated through its ability to comprehend spontaneous and authentic human speech, discern human intentions, thus offering relevant assistance, and engage in meaningful dialogue.

How can we incorporate a sense of “humanity” into a bot? This necessitates several essential elements. Let’s look at them.


Dialogue flow


Once our team has gathered the necessary information to initiate the project and conducted thorough research on the requirements, business objectives, and desired outcomes, we proceed with the task at hand.

Prior to commencing the training process for Primebot, a comprehensive plan and suitable learning environment must be established. To facilitate this, a dialogue flow is organized.

In training process of a bot, a dialogue flow refers to the structure or sequence of interactions between the bot and the user during a conversation. It outlines how the bot will respond to different user inputs or queries, guiding the conversation along a logical path towards achieving the intended outcome. The dialogue flow encompasses the various branches or pathways that the conversation may take based on the user’s responses, ensuring that the bot can effectively engage with users and provide relevant information or assistance.

Creating a well-designed dialogue flow is crucial for ensuring that the bot can understand user intent, maintain coherence throughout the conversation, and deliver a satisfactory user experience.

During this stage, we validate assumptions and tailor suitable solutions to attain the desired results.


Training Sentences


The subsequent phase involves crafting training sentences. These sentences serve as the material through which Primebot familiarizes itself with the language and intentions of future conversants. Simultaneously, we configure the data exchange with the client’s systems to ensure that the bot’s actions align seamlessly with the information stored within said systems.




With the dialogue flow, training sentences, and technical aspects all set up, we’re ready to commence training our Primebot. Much like a human, it requires time to absorb and understand the information, yet unlike humans, it possesses the capacity to learn swiftly, requiring considerably less time to grasp new concepts.




Upon completing our education or training, we typically encounter a final challenge: an examination, test, or some form of assessment to validate our acquired knowledge and skills.

Similarly, Primebot undergoes a verification process to ensure its comprehension and mastery of the subject matter. Unlike humans, however, it remains unaffected by stress.

The bot is evaluated by a team of testers comprised of seasoned consultants and leaders in customer service, who engage in extensive conversations with customers daily. Additionally, trainers with vast experience in customer service and knowledge dissemination are part of the testing team.

The team conducts natural conversations with Primebot, subsequently reporting their findings, Piotr Kempa.


Analysis and Improvements


Following the tests, the Primebot team proceeds to analyze the results. At this point, they assess how the theoretical assumptions formulated at the outset of the process translate into practical application. Corrections and enhancements are implemented, and solutions are fine-tuned for optimization.

Subsequently, the bot undergoes further training to validate its acquired knowledge. Once everything is refined, Primebot is ready to begin operations, diligently engaging in multiple conversations or chats simultaneously. Notably, it operates tirelessly without the need for a break.


A Voicebot Ready to Support Customers


We have outlined the training process for Primebot, highlighting its similarities to human learning. Just like a human, Primebot requires training, time to acquire knowledge, verification of its actions, and potential additional training and updates.

Depending on our clients’ requirements, we can introduce new concepts, update existing procedures, or teach Primebot new tasks. The possibilities are vast. Furthermore, it’s essential to consider the continuous advancements in technology that influence the application and functionality of our voicebot. As technology evolves, so too must Primebot to remain effective and efficient in meeting the needs of our clients.


Author: Katarzyna Skrzypiec, Bot Trainer at OEX VCC